Absolute Maximum Ratings
Absolute Maximum Ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur. The following table specifies the absolute maximum ratings over the operating junction temperature range of industrial and extended temperature devices. Functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of this standard may damage the device.
Symbol | Parameters | Min | Max | Units |
VDD | Power supply for Core | 0.81 | 0.99 | V |
VDDIO | Power supply for Post-Driver | -0.5 | 3.63 | V |
Tj | Junction temperature range | -40 | 125 | ℃ |
Ts | Storage temperature range | -40 | 125 | ℃ |
Ta | Ambient operating temperature range | -40 | 85 | ℃ |
- The storage temperature range applies when the device is in the OFF state (the device is not assembled in any platform and is not electrically connected to any voltage or I/O signals). Damage may occur when the device is subjected to this temperature for any length of time.
- For devices shipped in tape and reel, the storage temperature range is [+20°C~26°C] and relative humidity (RH) range is [40%~60%]. StarFive recommends allowing the device to return to ambient room temperature before usage.