Configure Decoder Parameters
The OMX IL component is able to accept various encode parameters in addition to the mandatory parameters, such as input frame width and height, target frame rate, target bit rate , etc.
- The IL client can obtain the current configuration using OMX_GetParameter as (1) in the following diagram.
- The IL client must pass the OMX parameter information using OMX_SetParameter with the corresponding OMX_Index before sending any input data through OMX_EmptyThisBuffer as (3) in the following diagram.
The following diagram shows the decoder parameter configuration workflow.

The decoder supports a proprietary color format, requiring an extra step to integrate OMX decoder components.
The decoder supports the YUV420SemiPlanar format, that is, YUV planar format, organized with a first plane containing Y pixels and a second plane containing interleaved U and V pixels. U and V pixels are sub-sampled by a factor of two, both horizontally and vertically.
- The IL client can query the component in the loop shown for supported color formats until the component returns OMX_ErrorNoMore as (1) in the following diagram.
- Index 0 is currently reserved for the YUV420PackedSemiPlanar32m color format, which is used to set the color format of the component as (3) in the following diagram.
The following diagram shows the decoder color format configuration workflow.