VisionFive 2 Board Level Configuration

The board level DTS file stores all identification information for each board.

The board level DTS files are stored in the following path:

The following code block provides an example of the USB configuration in the board level DTS file.
&usbdrd30 {
	pinctrl-names = "default";
	pinctrl-0 = <&usb_pins>;
	dr_mode = "host"; /*host or peripheral*/
	status = "disabled";

In the above code block, the parameter dr_mode represents the default mode of the USB port, and the following options are available.
  • peripheral: Device mode as the slave device.
  • host: Host mode as the master device.

If you are using the USB standby mode, note the following:

  • Your IC should be able to support remote wakeup.
  • Follow the JH7110 Hardware Design Reference strictly when designing your device.
  • Add an additional parameter named "wakeup-source" in the above code block and enable the USB standby function.