Replace the Starup Logo

The starup logo is stored in the following path: visionfive/u-boot/tools/logos/starfive.bmp.
Figure 1. Logo Path
Follow the steps below to replace the starup logo of VisionFive 2.
  1. Replace the starfive.bmp with another logo image you want to display.
    Note: The logo file must be in bmp format. If your file format is not in bmp, you can use the file conversion tool for format conversion.
  2. Then rename the logo file to starfive.bmp.
    Note: The file size should not exceed 1500 KB.
  3. Perform the following steps to recompile the new image:
    1. Use cd command to back to your u-sdk directory.
      cd <X>/visionfive/
      Tip: <X> is the path where you store the u-sdk repository on your local drive.
    2. Execute the following command to clean the old image.
      make clean
    3. Execute the following command to recompile the new image.
      make -j8
      The new images, visionfive2_fw_payload.img and u-boot-sp1.bin.normal.out, will be generated under work directory.
      Note: The logo is center display by default, if you want to change the logo display position, you need to change the code.
  4. To update the SPL and U-Boot, perform the following steps:
    1. Prepare the TFTP server. The following is an example command for Ubuntu distribution.
      sudo apt install tftpd-hpa
      Note: For instructions to deploy the TFTP server, refer to the step 2 to step 6 in Using Ethernet section of the VisionFive Single Board Computer Quick Start Guide.
    2. Power on VisionFive 2 and wait until it enters the U-Boot command line interface.
    3. Configure the environment variables by executing:
      setenv ipaddr;setenv serverip
    4. Check the connectivity by pinging the host PC from VisionFive 2.
    5. Initialize SPI flash:
      sf probe
    6. Update SPL binary:
      tftpboot 0xa0000000 ${serverip}:u-boot-spl.bin.normal.out
      sf update 0xa0000000 0x0 $filesize
    7. Update U-Boot binary:
      tftpboot 0xa0000000 ${serverip}:visionfive2_fw_payload.img
      sf update 0xa0000000 0x100000 $filesize