For Mac/Linux

  1. Insert a micro-SD card to the computer through a micro-SD card reader, or by a built-in card reader on a laptop.
  2. Open a terminal window on Mac/Linux.
  3. Type the following to update the packages list.
    sudo apt-get update
    Tip: If you are a Mac user, type brew update.
  4. Type the following to install zstd package which we will use to unzip our Fedora image file:
    sudo apt-get install zstd
    Tip: If you are a Mac user, type brew install zstd.
  5. Navigate to the location of the downloaded Fedora image directory before.

    Example Command:

    cd Downloads/
  6. Run the following command to unzip the Fedora image.
    zstd -d  Fedora-riscv64-jh7100-developer-xfce-Rawhide-20211226-214100.n.0-sda.raw.zst
  7. Burn the Fedora image to the micro-SD card by running the following command.
    sudo dd if=Fedora-riscv64-jh7100-developer-xfce-Rawhide-20211226-214100.n.0-sda.raw of=/dev/sdX bs=8M status=progress && sync
    • If you are a Mac user, burn the Fedora image to the micro-SD card by running: sudo dd if=Fedora-riscv64-jh7100-developer-xfce-Rawhide-20211226-214100.n.0-sda.raw of=/dev/sdX bs=8M && sync
    • of=/dev/sdX corresponds to the location of the connected micro-SD card. You can find this by running the lsblk command.
    • The whole burning process will take about 20 minutes.