For Windows

  1. Insert a micro-SD card to the computer through a micro-SD card reader, or by a built-in card reader on a laptop.
  2. Download Zstandard-CLI software by visiting the links below:
  3. Click here to visit the GitHub repo.
  4. Extract the .zip file.
  5. Copy the latest file (e.g.: Fedora-riscv64-jh7100-developer-xfce-Rawhide-20211226-214100.n.0-sda.raw.zst) and paste it into the zstd directory that you just extracted.
  6. Open Windows Powershell and navigate to the zstd directory.
    cd D:\Downloads\zstd
  7. Type the following command to unzip the Fedora image:
    ./zstd.exe -d Fedora-riscv64-jh7100-developer-xfce-Rawhide-20211226-214100.n.0-sda.raw.zst -o Fedora-riscv64-jh7100-developer-xfce-Rawhide-20211226-214100.n.0-sda.raw

    Now your image file is named as Fedora-riscv64-jh7100-developer-xfce-Rawhide-20211226-214100.n.0-sda.raw.

  8. Visit this link to download BalenaEtcher. We will use BalenaEtcher software to flash the Fedora image to a micro-SD card.
  9. Install BalenaEtcher and open it.
    Figure 1. Install BalenaEtcher
  10. Click on Flash from file and select the location of the image that we just unzipped:
  11. Click Select target and select the connected micro-SD card.
  12. Click Flash!