Adding New File

To add new file, perform the following steps:

Note: If there is no update, no need to add the new file.
  1. Compile the file under the linux directory with the following command:
    make CROSS_COMPILE=riscv64-linux-gnu- ARCH=riscv INSTALL_PATH=<ROOTFS_PATH> zinstall -<jx>
    • <ROOTFS_PATH>: This is a user-defined directory where the vmliunz files will be generated.
    • <jx>: It refers to the number of cores in your CPU. If your CPU has 8 cores, change this to -j8.

    Figure -

    Figure 1. Example Command and Output

    vmliunz files will be generated under the ROOTFS_PATH.

  2. (Optional) Compile the file under the linux path with the following command:
    make CROSS_COMPILE=riscv64-linux-gnu- ARCH=riscv INSTALL_MOD_PATH=<ROOTFS_PATH> modules_install -jx
    • If you need to add new modules, this step is required.
    • <ROOTFS_PATH>: This is a user-defined directory where the modules will be generated.
    • -jx: It refers to the number of cores in your CPU. If your CPU has 8 cores, change this to -j8.

    Example Command and Output: Figure -

    Figure 2. Example Command and Output
    The module files will be generated under the ROOTFS_PATH.
  3. View the files generated under ${ROOTFS_PATH}. The following is an example:
    Figure 3. Example
  4. Add the new file:
    1. View the SD-card information.
      df -h
      Figure 4. Example SD Card Information
    2. Copy the kernel file to the Micro-SD card. Please operate under the path of ${ROOTFS_PATH}.
      sudo cp vmlinuz-5.16.0-rc2-visionfive-g6e924cb10a60  /media/<User_Name>/__boot/ && sync

      <User_Name> is your username, for example, yingpeng.

    3. (Optional) Copy the modules file to the Micro-SD card. Please operate under the path of ${ROOTFS_PATH}.
      sudo cp -r lib/modules/5.16.0-rc2-visionfive-g6e924cb10a60/ /media/<User_Name>/__/lib/modules && sync
      • If you have compiled modules in the Step 2, and you need to add these modules, this step is required.
      • <User_Name> is your username, for example, yingpeng.
  5. Perform the following step to update the grub.cfg file:
    cd /media/<UserName>/__boot/
    sudo gedit grub.cfg

    <User_Name> is your username, for example, yingpeng.

  6. Add the following command lines, save and exit:
    menuentry '<Configuration_Item_Name_on_Menu>' {
    linux /<Newly_Compiled_vmlinuz_file> ro root=UUID=59fcd098-2f22-441a-ba45-4f7185baf23f rhgb console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200 earlycon rootwait stmmaceth=chain_mode:1 selinux=0 LANG=en_US.UTF-8
    devicetree /dtbs/5.16.0-rc2+/starfive/<dtb_File_Name>
    initrd /initramfs-5.16.0-rc2+.img

    In these commands:

    • <Configuration_Item_Name_on_Menu>: The configuration name displayed on the menu. For example, My Fedora vmlinux-5.16.0-rc2 visionfive.
    • <Newly_Compiled_vmlinuz_file>: The vmlinuz file name that is newly compiled in the previous steps. For example, vmlinuz-5.16.0-rc2-visionfive-g6e924cb10a60.
    • <dtb_File_Name>: Different boards use different dtb files, and for the detailed information, refer to the dtb Files table in StarFive 40-Pin GPIO Header User Guide.

    Example: The following are the example commands:

    menuentry 'My Fedora vmlinux-5.16.0-rc2 visionfive' {
    linux /vmlinuz-5.16.0-rc2-visionfive-g6e924cb10a60 ro root=UUID=59fcd098-2f22-441a-ba45-4f7185baf23f rhgb console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200 earlycon rootwait stmmaceth=chain_mode:1 selinux=0 LANG=en_US.UTF-8
    devicetree /dtbs/5.16.0-rc2+/starfive/jh7100-starfive-visionfive-v1.dtb
    initrd /initramfs-5.16.0-rc2+.img

The following steps are provided to verify if the configuration is successful:

  1. Pull out the card from the PC and insert it into the VisionFive board. The system will start normally after power-on.
  2. You can find the defined configuration item, for example, My Fedora vmlinux-5.16.0-rc2 visionfive, on the menu, as shown below:
    Figure 5. Example Interface
  3. After the system starts successfully, you can see the version of the new vmlinuz file:
    Figure 6. Example Output