Preparing Software

Make sure the following procedures are performed:

Note: The python project, VisionFive.gpio, is applicable for VisionFive, VisionFive 2 and JH7110 EVB.
  1. Flash Debian OS into a Micro-SD card as described in the Flashing Fedora OS to a Micro-SD Card section in the VisionFive 2 Single Board Computer Quick Start Guide.
  2. Log into the Debian and make sure VisionFive 2 is connected to the Internet. For detailed instructions, refer to the Using SSH over Ethernet or Using a USB to Serial Converter section in the VisionFive 2 Single Board Computer Quick Start Guide.
  3. Extend the partition on Debian as described in Extend Partition in the VisionFive 2 Single Board Computer Quick Start Guide.
  4. Execute the following command to install PIP on Debian:
    apt-get install python3-pip
  5. Execute the pip command on VisionFive 2 Debian to install the VisionFive.gpio package:
    Note: Due to the fact that official website does not yet support uploading whl installation packages for the RISC-V platform, so it cannot directly execute pip install VisionFive.gpio command to install online.

    Please follow the steps below to install the VisionFive.gpio package.

    1. Execute the following command to install dependent package:
      apt install libxml2-dev libxslt-dev
      python3 -m pip install requests wget bs4
    2. Execute the following command to run the installation script
      The installation script codes are as follows:
      import requests
      import wget
      import sys
      import os
      from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
      def parse_data(link_addr, class_type, key_str):
          req = requests.get(url=link_addr)
          req.encoding = "utf-8"
          soup = BeautifulSoup(req.text,features="html.parser")
          package_version = soup.find(class_type,class_=key_str)
          dd = package_version.text.strip()
          data = dd.split()
          return data
      def parse_link(link_addr, class_type, key_str):
          req = requests.get(url=link_addr)
          req.encoding = "utf-8"
          soup = BeautifulSoup(req.text,features="html.parser")
          search_data = soup.find(class_type,class_=key_str)
          search_data_2 = search_data.find("a")
          dl_link_get = search_data_2.get("href") 
          return dl_link_get
      def get_dl_addr_page():
          link_address = ""
          key_str = "release__version"
          class_key = "p"
          data_get = parse_data(link_address, class_key, key_str)
          latest_version = data_get[0]
          dl_addr_page = "{}/#files".format(latest_version)
          return dl_addr_page
      def get_dl_addr_of_latest_version(link_addr):
          key_str = "card file__card"
          class_key = "div"
          addr_get = parse_link(link_addr, class_key, key_str)
          return addr_get
      def main():
          dl_addr_p =  get_dl_addr_page()
          whl_dl_addr = get_dl_addr_of_latest_version(dl_addr_p)
          whl_name = whl_dl_addr.split("/")[-1]
          whl_name_suffix = os.path.splitext(whl_name)[-1]
          whl_name_prefix = os.path.splitext(whl_name)[0]
          whl_name_prefix_no_platform = whl_name_prefix[0: len(whl_name_prefix) - 3]
          new_platform = "linux_riscv64"
          rename_whl_name = "{}{}{}".format(whl_name_prefix_no_platform, new_platform, whl_name_suffix)
, out=rename_whl_name)
          os.system("pip install " + rename_whl_name)
          os.system("rm -rf " + rename_whl_name)
      if __name__ == '__main__':