Demo Source Code
The Python source code of this demo is provided for reference purpose only.
''' Please make sure the LED is connected to the correct pins. The following table describes how to connect LED to the 40-pin header. ----------------------------------------- _______LED_________Pin Number_____Pin Name Positive 22 GPIO50 Negative 6 GND ----------------------------------------- ''' import time import VisionFive.gpio as GPIO led_pin = 22 #Configure the direction of led_pin as out. GPIO.setup(led_pin, GPIO.OUT) #Configure the voltage level of led_pin as high. GPIO.output(led_pin, GPIO.HIGH) #Configure the frequency as 10. p = GPIO.PWM(led_pin, 10) #Initialize the duty ratio as 0. p.start(0) try: #Change the LED blink frequency. while True: for dc in range(0, 101, 5): #Change the duty ratio from 0 to 100. Step size: 5 p.ChangeDutyRatio(dc) time.sleep(1) for dc in range(100, -1, -5): #Change the duty ratio from 100 to 0. Step size: -5 p.ChangeDutyRatio(dc) time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass p.stop() GPIO.cleanup(led_pin)