The following code block shows the data structure for the sensor structure.
typedef struct _ST_SENSOR {
SENSOR_HANDLE *pstSensorHandle;
STF_U16 u16Width;
STF_U16 u16Height;
STF_U8 u8Imager;
STF_U16 u16VerticalTotal;
enum MOSAICType enBayerFormat;
STF_U8 u8SensorContexts;
STF_U8 u8BitDepth;
STF_DOUBLE dFrameRate;
STF_U32 u32WellDepth;
STF_DOUBLE dReadNoise;
STF_DOUBLE dAperture;
STF_U16 u16FocalLength;
STF_U32 u32ProgrammedExposure;
STF_DOUBLE dProgrammedGain;
STF_U16 u16ProgrammedFocus;
STF_U32 u32MinExposure;
STF_U32 u32MaxExposure;
STF_U16 u16MinFocus;
STF_U16 u16MaxFocus;
STF_BOOL8 bFocusSupported;
const STF_CHAR* (*StateName)(EN_SENSOR_STATE enState);
STF_VOID (*GetSensorNames)(STF_U8 *pu8Count, STF_CHAR szSensorName[][64]);
STF_S8 (*GetSensorId)(const char *SensorName);
STF_RESULT (*Init)(ST_SENSOR *pstSensor, STF_U8 u8SensorId, STF_U8 u8Index);
STF_RESULT (*Destroy)(ST_SENSOR *pstSensor);
SENSOR_HANDLE *(*GetHandle)(ST_SENSOR *pstSensor);
EN_SENSOR_STATE (*GetState)(ST_SENSOR *pstSensor);
STF_RESULT (*GetInfo)(ST_SENSOR *pstSensor, SENSOR_INFO *pstSensorInfo);
STF_S8 (*GetModeIdx)(ST_SENSOR *pstSensor, STF_U16 u16Width, STF_U16 u16Height);
STF_RESULT (*GetMode)(ST_SENSOR *pstSensor, STF_U8 u8ModeIdx, SENSOR_MODE *pstModes);
STF_RESULT (*SetMode)(ST_SENSOR *pstSensor, STF_U8 u8ModeIdx, STF_U8 u8Flipping);
STF_RESULT (*GetInterfaceInfo)(ST_SENSOR *pstSensor, SENSOR_INTFC *pstInterface);
STF_RESULT (*Configure)(ST_SENSOR *pstSensor, STF_U8 u8ModeIdx, STF_U8 u8Flipping);
STF_RESULT (*Insert)(ST_SENSOR *pstSensor);
STF_RESULT (*WaitProcessed)(ST_SENSOR *pstSensor);
STF_RESULT (*Enable)(ST_SENSOR *pstSensor);
STF_RESULT (*Disable)(ST_SENSOR *pstSensor);
STF_RESULT (*Reset)(ST_SENSOR *pstSensor);
STF_RESULT (*GetStatus)(ST_SENSOR *pstSensor, SENSOR_STATUS *pstStatus);
STF_RESULT (*GetReg)(ST_SENSOR *pstSensor, STF_U16 u16RegAddr, STF_U16 *pu16RegValue);
STF_RESULT (*SetReg)(ST_SENSOR *pstSensor, STF_U16 u16RegAddr, STF_U16 u16RegValue);
STF_RESULT (*SetFlipMirror)(ST_SENSOR *pstSensor, STF_U8 u8Flag);
STF_RESULT (*GetFixedFPS)(ST_SENSOR *pstSensor, STF_U16 *pu16FixedFps);
STF_RESULT (*GetSnapShotResolution)(ST_SENSOR *pstSensor, ST_RES_LIST *pstResList);
STF_RESULT (*SetResolution)(ST_SENSOR *pstSensor, STF_U16 u16ImgW, STF_U16 u16ImgH);
STF_U32 (*GetMinExposure)(ST_SENSOR *pstSensor);
STF_U32 (*GetMaxExposure)(ST_SENSOR *pstSensor);
STF_RESULT (*GetExposureRange)(ST_SENSOR *pstSensor, STF_U32 *pu32MinExposure, STF_U32 *pu32MaxExposure);
STF_U32 (*GetExposure)(ST_SENSOR *pstSensor);
STF_RESULT (*SetExposure)(ST_SENSOR *pstSensor, STF_U32 u32Exposure);
STF_DOUBLE (*GetMinGain)(ST_SENSOR *pstSensor);
STF_RESULT (*SetMinGain)(ST_SENSOR *pstSensor, STF_DOUBLE dMinGain);
STF_DOUBLE (*GetMaxGain)(ST_SENSOR *pstSensor);
STF_RESULT (*SetMaxGain)(ST_SENSOR *pstSensor, STF_DOUBLE dMaxGain);
STF_RESULT (*GetGainRange)(ST_SENSOR *pstSensor, STF_DOUBLE *pdMinGain, STF_DOUBLE *pdMaxGain);
STF_RESULT (*SetIsoLimit)(ST_SENSOR *pstSensor, STF_U8 u8IsoLimit);
STF_DOUBLE (*GetGain)(ST_SENSOR *pstSensor);
STF_RESULT (*SetGain)(ST_SENSOR *pstSensor, STF_DOUBLE dGain);
STF_RESULT (*SetExposureAndGain)(ST_SENSOR *pstSensor, STF_U32 u32Exposure, STF_DOUBLE dGain);
STF_BOOL8 (*GetFocusSupported)(ST_SENSOR *pstSensor);
STF_U16 (*GetMinFocus)(ST_SENSOR *pstSensor);
STF_U16 (*GetMaxFocus)(ST_SENSOR *pstSensor);
STF_U16 (*GetFocusDistance)(ST_SENSOR *pstSensor);
STF_RESULT (*SetFocusDistance)(ST_SENSOR *pstSensor, STF_U16 u16FocusDistance);
The following table describes the fields in the above code block.
Field | Description |
pstSensorHandle | Sensor API handle |
enState | Sensor running state |
u16Width | Output image width |
u16Height | Output image height |
u8Imager1 | Imager ID. No longer in use |
u16VerticalTotal | Number of lines including blanking |
enBayerFormat | Mosaic of the sensor |
u8SensorContexts1 | Sensor contexts. No longer in use |
u8BitDepth | Bits per pixel |
dFrameRate | Sensor default frame rate |
dCurrentFPS | Frame rate programmed in the sensor |
u32WellDepth1 | Number of electrons can be held by the sensor wells before clipping. No longer in use |
dReadNoise1 | Standard deviation of noise when reading pixel value off a sensor in electrons. No longer in use |
dAperture1 | Aperture f/# of the attached lens. No longer in use |
u16FocalLength1 | Focal length of the lens in millimetres. No longer In use |
u32ProgrammedExposure | Exposure time programmed in the sensor |
dProgrammedGain | Gain programmed in the sensor |
u16ProgrammedFocus1 | Focus distance set in the sensor. No longer in use |
u32MinExposure | Minimum exposure times |
u32MaxExposure | Maximum exposure times |
u16MinFocus1 | Minimum focus distance. No longer in use |
u16MaxFocus1 | Maximum focus distance. No longer in use |
dMinGain | Minimum exposure gain |
dMaxGain | Maximum exposure gain |
bFocusSupported1 | Variable focus support status. No longer in use |
*StateName | Get sensor state name |
*GetSensorNames | Populate a list with the available sensors from Sensor API |
*GetSensorId | Get sensor ID from a name |
*Init | Sensor structure initialization |
*Destroy | Destroy a sensor through a given identifier |
*GetHandle | Access to sensors API handle |
*GetState | Get the sensor state |
*GetInfo | Get the sensor information |
*GetModeIdx | Get the sensor mode index |
*GetMode | Get some mode information (including if flipping is supported) |
*SetMode | Set the sensor mode |
*GetInterfaceInfo | Get the sensor connection data bus and I2C hardware information |
*Configure | Configure the sensor with a selected mode |
*Insert1 | Access to the Sensor API insert function. No longer in use |
*WaitProcessed1 | Access to the Sensor API waitProcessed function. No longer in use |
*Enable | Start transmission of the data from the sensor. In the V4L2 driver, only changed the sensor state |
*Disable | Stop transmission of the data from the sensor. In the V4L2 driver, only changed the sensor state |
*Reset | Reset the sensor. In the V4L2 driver, only changed the sensor state |
*GetStatus | Get status value in the sensor |
*GetReg | Get the sensor register value |
*SetReg | Program the value to the register of sensor |
*GetFlipMirror | Get flip and mirror value in the sensor |
*SetFlipMirror | Set flip and mirror value in the sensor |
*GetFixedFPS | Get the fixed FPS value in the sensor |
*SetFPS | Set the FPS value in the sensor |
*GetSnapShotResolution1 | Get the snapshot resolution value in the sensor. No longer in use |
*SetResolution1 | Set the resolution value to the sensor. No longer in use |
*GetMinExposure | Get minimum exposure time value programmable in the sensor |
*GetMaxExposure | Get maximum exposure time value programmable in the sensor |
*GetExposureRange | Get minimum and maximum exposure time value programmable in the sensor |
*GetExposure | Get the exposure time programmed in the sensor |
*SetExposure | Program the exposure time in the sensor |
*GetMinGain | Get minimum gain value programmable in the sensor |
*SetMinGain | Set the minimum gain value programmable in the sensor |
*GetMaxGain | Set the minimum gain value programmable in the sensor |
*SetMaxGain | Set the maximum gain value programmable in the sensor |
*GetGainRange | Get minimum and maximum gain value programmable in the sensor |
*SetIsoLimit | Set minimum and maximum gain value programmable in the sensor according to the ISO value |
*GetGain | Get the gain value from the sensor |
*SetGain | Set the gain value in the sensor |
*SetExposureAndGain | Program the exposure time and gain in the sensor |
*GetFocusSupported1 | Get state of driver support for variable focus. No longer in use |
*GetMinFocus1 | Get minimum focus distance. No longer in use |
*GetMaxFocus1 | Get maximum focus distance. No longer in use |
*GetFocusDistance1 | Get the current focus distance. No longer in use |
*SetFocusDistance1 | Set focus distance in the sensor in millimetre. No longer in use |
The field items are no longer in use.