Sensor Mode

The following code block shows the data structure for the sensor mode structure.
typedef struct _SENSOR_MODE {
    STF_U8 u8BitDepth;
    STF_U16 u16Width;
    STF_U16 u16Height;
    STF_DOUBLE dFrameRate;
    STF_DOUBLE dPixelRate;
    STF_U16 u16HorizontalTotal;
    STF_U16 u16VerticalTotal;
    STF_U8 u8SupportFlipping;
    STF_U32 u32ExposureMin;
    STF_U32 u32ExposureMax;
    STF_DOUBLE dExposureMin;
    STF_U8 u8MipiLanes;
The following table describes the fields in the above code block.
Table 1. DRM Buffer Field Description
Field Description
u8BitDepth The bit depth in the sensor mode
u16Width Width of output in pixels
u16Height Height of output in pixels
dFrameRate Frame rate in Hz
dPixelRate The pixel rate in the sensor mode
u16HorizontalTotal Horizontal total size (including blanking) in pixels
u16VerticalTotal Vertical total size (including blanking) in pixels
u8SupportFlipping Support flipping when enabling
u32ExposureMin Minimum exposure time (integer type)
u32ExposureMax Maximum exposure time
dExposureMin Minimum exposure time (double type)
u8MipiLanes MIPI lanes for MIPI interface sensor