Board Level Configuration

The board.dts file is used to store the configuration profiles at the board level.

For the VisionFive 2 SBC, the board.dts file is in the following path:
Take UART0 module as an example, its board.dts file is in the following path:
In the file, you can find the following configuration information for UART pin control configuration:
&gpio {
        uart0_pins: uart0-pins {
                uart0-pins-tx {
                        sf,pins = <PAD_GPIO5>;
                        sf,pin-ioconfig = <IO(GPIO_IE(1) | GPIO_DS(3))>;
                        sf,pin-gpio-dout = <GPO_UART0_SOUT>;
                        sf,pin-gpio-doen = <OEN_LOW>;

                uart0-pins-rx {
                        sf,pins = <PAD_GPIO6>;
                        sf,pinmux = <PAD_GPIO6_FUNC_SEL 0>;
                        sf,pin-ioconfig = <IO(GPIO_IE(1) | GPIO_PU(1))>;
                        sf,pin-gpio-doen = <OEN_HIGH>;
                        sf,pin-gpio-din =  <GPI_UART0_SIN>;
And you can also find the following configuration information for pin control.
&uart0 {
        pinctrl-names = "default";
        pinctrl-0 = <&uart0_pins>;
        status = "okay";