The following diagrams show the U-Boot boot-up process. Figure 1. U-Boot Boot-up Process 1
The following list provides a description of each procedure mentioned in the above
_start: Each board with the same arch has the same
start.s file. The file is located under the arch directory.
The _start as the first instruction the system will use when
the core powers on.
CPU init: The CPU initialization step, which will set up all
the CPU-related and specific registers. The step will also set up the RISC-V
core-specific registers as illustrated in the above figure.
Note: U-Boot will only use one core for boot-up, all the other cores
are set to idle mode. Most of the time U-boot does not use a secondary core until the
Linux is up.
board_init_f_alloc_reserve: Reserve early
malloc arena and global data
struct arena.
harts_early_init: Configure proprietary settings and
customized CSRs of harts.
board_init_f: Initialize the basic hardware and running
environment before relocate symbols, such as CPU, timer, console, device tree
jump_to_copy:Copy the global data
struct to high address space and relocate the monitor
After the relocate symbols and the monitor code, the system will start the following
boot-up process. Figure 2. U-Boot Boot-up Process 2
The following list provides a description of each procedure mentioned in the above
board_init_r: The board initialization file. All the
board-related initialization processes as illustrated in the above diagram will be
performed one by one.
init_dm: Scan the device nodes and keep associated with the
appropriate driver.
initr_net: The Ethernet initialization file. The file will
initialize all the Ethernet interfaces you expect to include on your board.
main_loop: The final initialization step before the U-Boot
pops up on your screen.
Result: After all of the entire processes, U-boot is up and ready
for use.
In the initr_net process, a function named
phy_init which is located under the
drivers/net/phy/phy.c folder will be called to initialize the
Ethernet PHY. See PHY Device Initialization for more information.