U-Boot Source Code Structure

The following image shows the U-Boot source code file directory for JH7110.
Figure 1. U-Boot Source Code Structure

The following list provides an introduction for some of the above folders.

  • board: The board folder contains all the board-specific files, including the files for StarFive JH7110 and the files for VisionFive 2, etc.
  • arch: The core-specific folder which contains all the core initialization files. The files are not board-independent; thus, you don’t need to modify anything in this folder.
  • driver: The folder includes all the drivers supported by U-Boot, including the Ethernet driver, the PHY driver, the USB driver, and so on.
  • net: The folder contains all the upper-layer protocols support in U-Boot, including the ping, the tftp, the icmp, and other protocols.
  • cmd: The folder includes all the commands supported by U-Boot.
  • configs: The folder includes all the deconfiguration files, each file related to a special board.
  • scripts: The folder includes the rule files which used for compilation.