SCADA means ‘supervisory control and data acquisition’. It is used to monitor and control a large area, usually an entire site or factory. SCADA systems are a combination of many systems, including sensors, RTUs (Remote Terminal Units), and PLCS. The data for all these systems is then sent to the central SCADA unit. Some SCADA unit has their own HMI (Human-Machine interface). In OpenPLC, each OpenPLC has its own HMI, that is, Monitor in the webserver, but only displays itself and its slave device. Therefore, SCADA is required to display data information of each unit comprehensively. This document introduces the use of two open-source SCADA software: FUXA and ScadaBR.


Ladder diagram program is located in your computer after you download and unzipped the,for example: C:\Users\chloe.chen\Downloads\openplc\7.