Preparing Software

Make sure the following procedures are performed:
Note: Make sure that you use the latest Debian image.
  1. Log into the Debian and make sure VisionFive 2 is connected to the Internet. For detailed instructions, refer to the Using SSH over Ethernet or Using a USB to Serial Converter section in the VisionFive 2 Single Board Computer Quick Start Guide.
  2. Log into the Debian and make sure VisionFive 2 is connected to the Internet. Log into Debian with keyboard, mouse and monitor connected. For detailed instructions, refer to Using Desktop over HDMI section in the VisionFive 2 Single Board Computer Quick Start Guide.
  3. Extend the partition on Debian as described in Extend Partition section in the VisionFive 2 Single Board Computer Quick Start Guide.
  4. Execute the following command on VisionFive 2 Debian to install StarFive Packages and its dependencies. The installation requires 1-3 hours.
    chmod +x
    sudo ./
  5. (Optional) If you need to use the IMX219 CSI camera, open a separate terminal window on VisionFive 2 Debian and build media pipeline and run the ISP control process:
    export PATH=$PATH:/opt/
    /opt/ -d /dev/media0 -i csiphy0 -s ISP0 -a start
    /opt/ISP/stf_isp_ctrl -m imx219mipi -j 0 -a 1