General Object Recognition based on YOLO-V3 Model

Execute the following steps to recognize general objects based on YOLO-V3 Model:


To run C++ application:
example_dnn_object_detection --config=/usr/share/opencv4/yolo-v3/yolov3-tiny.cfg \
        --model=/usr/share/opencv4/yolo-v3/yolov3-tiny.weights \
        --classes=/usr/share/opencv4/yolo-v3/classes.txt \
--width=416 --height=416 --scale=0.00392 --rgb --target=1 --device=4

Perform the following step under the user path on VisionFive 2 Debian to run YOLO-V3 general object recognition demo:

Tip: Parameter Information:
  • Parameter device is added to the OpenCV object_detection.cpp application to set the video device number for capturing a video stream. Normally, /dev/video1 represents the camera connected to MIPI CSI, and /dev/video4 represents the USB camera.
  • target=1 represents that OpenCL uses GPU to accelerate the recognition, which will greatly increase the speed compared with using target=0. Strongly recommends that you keep this parameter in the command.
  • Other parameters can be checked by executing example_dnn_object_detection --help.


  • HDMI monitor displays the real-time video stream from a webcam;
  • HDMI monitor displays real-time drawings of bounding boxes, labeling the objects recognized by the model, and displaying their names and confidence level;
  • The upper left corner displays the inference time per frame, which translates to an approximate inference frame rate of 1 - 1.5 fps;
Figure 1. General Object Recognition based on YOLO-V3 Model