Why my VisionFive looks different with the introduced one?


I found the IC part of the board is different from the introduced one. The board lacks one IC on the front as the same side of the USB Type-C connector, but adds one IC on the back side of PCB near the USB Type-C connector. Is there a problem with my board?


VisionFive board is in co-lay design with 2 versions of IC (IP2315 or CH224). The IC missing on the front is IP2315, which is used to support PD power input. We have made this part of the function co-lay design with CH224. There are 2 ICs near the front and back of the USB Type-C connector. You only need to mount one of them.

Click on the following link to get more information: https://forum.rvspace.org/t/does-visonfive-board-miss-a-chip-beside-type-c-connect/149/4.