Sensor Information

The following code block shows the data structure for the sensor information structure.
typedef struct _SENSOR_INFO {
    enum MOSAICType enBayerOriginal;
    enum MOSAICType enBayerEnabled;
    char pszSensorName[SENSOR_INFO_NAME_MAX]; 
    char pszSensorVersion[SENSOR_INFO_VERSION_MAX];
    STF_DOUBLE dNumber;
    STF_U16 u16FocalLength;
    STF_U32 u32WellDepth;
    STF_DOUBLE dReadNoise;
    STF_U8 u8Imager;
    STF_BOOL8 bBackFacing;
    SENSOR_STATUS stStatus;
    SENSOR_MODE stMode;
    STF_U32 u32ModeCount;
    EN_EXPO_GAIN_METHOD enExposureGainMethod;
The following table describes the fields in the above code block.
Table 1. Sensor Information Field Description
Field Description
enBayerOriginal Original CFA filter layout (before flipping)
enBayerEnabled Enabled CFA filter layout (including flipping)
pszSensorName Text name for the sensor for easy identification
pszSensorVersion To be used where multiple versions of the sensor exists
dNumber1 Aperture of the attached lens. No longer in use
u16FocalLength1 Focal length of the lens. No longer in use
u32WellDepth1 Number of electrons can be held by the sensor wells before clipping. No longer in use
dReadNoise1 Standard deviation of noise when reading pixel value off a sensor in electrons. No longer in use
u8Imager1 Imager ID. No longer in use
bBackFacing1 Is this a back or front of facing camera? No longer in use
stStatus Sensor status
stMode Sensor mode information
u32ModeCount Indicate how many modes are supported in this sensor
enExposureGainMethod Indicate how to program the exposure time and gain
  1. The field items are no longer in use.