Basic Device
The following code block shows the data structure for the basic device structure.
typedef struct _ST_CI_DEVICE { CI_CONNECTION *pstCiConnection; STF_U8 u8DeviceId; STF_U8 u8DeviceType; STF_CHAR szDeviceName[DEV_NAME_LEN_MAX]; STF_S32 s32CiConnections; STF_BOOL8 bConnected; EN_MEM_TYPE enMemType; STF_VOID *pvDevParam; STF_RESULT (*Destroy)(ST_CI_DEVICE *pstDevice); STF_RESULT (*Connection)(ST_CI_DEVICE *pstDevice); STF_RESULT (*Disconnect)(ST_CI_DEVICE *pstDevice); STF_BOOL8 (*IsConnected)(ST_CI_DEVICE *pstDevice); STF_S32 (*GetConnections)(ST_CI_DEVICE *pstDevice); CI_CONNECTION *(*GetConnection)(ST_CI_DEVICE *pstDevice); int (*GetFileHandle)(ST_CI_DEVICE *pstDevice); STF_RESULT (*SubscribeEvent)(ST_CI_DEVICE *pstDevice, STF_S32 s32EventType); STF_RESULT (*UnsubscribeEvent)(ST_CI_DEVICE *pstDevice, STF_S32 s32EventType); STF_RESULT (*DequeueEvent)(ST_CI_DEVICE *pstDevice, struct v4l2_event *pstEvent); STF_RESULT (*InitDevice)(ST_CI_DEVICE *pstDevice, STF_U32 u32PixelFormat); STF_U32 (*GetPixelFormat)(ST_CI_DEVICE *pstDevice); STF_RESULT (*SetPixelFormat)(ST_CI_DEVICE *pstDevice, STF_U32 u32PixelFormat); struct v4l2_rect (*QueryCropWin)(ST_CI_DEVICE *pstDevice); ST_RECT (*QueryCropWin_2)(ST_CI_DEVICE *pstDevice); struct v4l2_rect (*GetCropWin)(ST_CI_DEVICE *pstDevice); ST_RECT (*GetCropWin_2)(ST_CI_DEVICE *pstDevice); STF_RESULT (*SetCropWin)(ST_CI_DEVICE *pstDevice, struct v4l2_rect *pstRect); STF_RESULT (*SetCropWin_2)(ST_CI_DEVICE *pstDevice, ST_RECT *pstRect); STF_RESULT (*EnumFormat)(ST_CI_DEVICE *pstDevice); STF_RESULT (*GetFormat)(ST_CI_DEVICE *pstDevice, struct v4l2_format *pstFormat); STF_RESULT (*SetFormat)(ST_CI_DEVICE *pstDevice, STF_U16 u16Width, STF_U16 u16Height, STF_U32 u32PixelFormat); STF_RESULT (*TryFormat)(ST_CI_DEVICE *pstDevice, STF_U32 u32PixelFormat); STF_RESULT (*GetParam)(ST_CI_DEVICE *pstDevice, STF_U32 *pu32Numerator, STF_U32 *pu32Denominator); STF_RESULT (*SetParam)(ST_CI_DEVICE *pstDevice, STF_U32 u32Numerator, STF_U32 u32Denominator); STF_RESULT (*SetParam_2)(ST_CI_DEVICE *pstDevice, STF_U32 u32FPS); struct v4l2_rect (*GetSelection)(ST_CI_DEVICE *pstDevice); ST_RECT (*GetSelection_2)(ST_CI_DEVICE *pstDevice); STF_RESULT (*SetSelection)(ST_CI_DEVICE *pstDevice, struct v4l2_rect *pstRect); STF_RESULT (*SetSelection_2)(ST_CI_DEVICE *pstDevice, ST_RECT *pstRect); STF_RESULT (*SetStreamOn)(ST_CI_DEVICE *pstDevice, STF_BOOL8 bOn); STF_BOOL8 (*IsStreamOn)(ST_CI_DEVICE *pstDevice); STF_RESULT (*AllocateBuf)(ST_CI_DEVICE *pstDevice, STF_U32 u32Count, STF_BOOL8 bMmap, STF_BOOL8 bExport, ST_DMA_BUF_INFO *pstDmaBufInfo); STF_RESULT (*AllocateAndEnqueueBuf)(ST_CI_DEVICE *pstDevice, STF_U32 u32AllocateCount, STF_U32 u32EnqueueCount, STF_BOOL8 bMmap, STF_BOOL8 bExport, ST_DMA_BUF_INFO *pstDmaBufInfo); ST_VDO_MEM *(*GetBuffer)(ST_CI_DEVICE *pstDevice, STF_U32 u32Index); ST_VDO_BUF (*GetBufInfo)(ST_CI_DEVICE *pstDevice, STF_U32 u32Index); STF_RESULT (*EnqueueBuf)(ST_CI_DEVICE *pstDevice, STF_U8 u8BufIdx); STF_RESULT (*EnqueueBuf_2)(ST_CI_DEVICE *pstDevice, STF_U32 u32Count, ST_VDO_BUF_INFO *pstVideoBufferInfo); STF_RESULT (*EnqueueBufFromAvailableQueue)(ST_CI_DEVICE *pstDevice, STF_S32 s32Count); STF_RESULT (*EnqueueBufFromCompletedQueue)(ST_CI_DEVICE *pstDevice, STF_S32 s32Count); STF_RESULT (*DequeueBuf)(ST_CI_DEVICE *pstDevice, ST_VDO_MEM **ppstVdoMem); STF_RESULT (*DequeueBuf_2)(ST_CI_DEVICE *pstDevice, STF_S32 *ps32Count, ST_VDO_BUF_INFO *pstVideoBufferInfo); STF_RESULT (*DequeueBufToCompletedQueue)(ST_CI_DEVICE *pstDevice, STF_S32 s32Count); STF_RESULT (*SwitchBufFromCompletedToAvailableQueue)(ST_CI_DEVICE *pstDevice, STF_S32 s32RemainCount); STF_RESULT (*PushBufToQueue)(ST_CI_DEVICE *pstDevice, sLinkedList_T *pstListQueue, ST_VDO_MEM *pstVdoMem, STF_BOOL8 bIsPushToFront); ST_VDO_MEM *(*PopBufFromQueue)(ST_CI_DEVICE *pstDevice, sLinkedList_T *pstListQueue, STF_BOOL8 bIsPopFromBack); STF_RESULT (*ReleaseBuf)(ST_CI_DEVICE *pstDevice); STF_RESULT (*GenerateLinksInfo)(ST_CI_DEVICE *pstDevice, EN_SNSR_IF enSensorInterface, ST_ITEM_INFO *pstLinksInfo); STF_RESULT (*ProcessLinks)(ST_CI_DEVICE *pstDevice, ST_ITEM_INFO *pstLinksInfo); STF_RESULT (*ProcessLinks_2)(ST_CI_DEVICE *pstDevice, EN_SNSR_IF enSensorInterface); } ST_CI_DEVICE, *PST_CI_DEVICE;
The following table describes the fields in the above code block.
Field | Description |
pstCiConnection | The connection handle |
u8DeviceId | The device ID |
u8DeviceType | The device type (FB, PP, DRM, Video, V4L2 sub-device, etc.) |
szDeviceName | The device name |
s32CiConnections | Indicate the number of applications using this connection handle |
bConnected | Indicate whether the connection handle is open |
enMemType | Indicate which video buffer type (EN_MEM_TYPE_MMAP or EN_MEM_TYPE_DMA) will be allocated |
pvDevParam | Point to the device parameters structure |
*Destroy | Destroy this device |
*Connection | Connect to the device driver |
*Disconnect | Disconnect form the device driver |
*IsConnected | Check the connection status |
*GetConnections | Get the number of connections |
*GetConnection | Get the connection handle |
*GetFileHandle | Get the file descriptor from the connection handle |
*SubscribeEvent1 | Subscribe an event to the video device |
*UnsubscribeEvent1 | Unsubscribe an event to the video device |
*DequeueEvent1 | Dequeue an event from the video device |
*InitDevice | Device initialization |
*GetPixelFormat | Get the pixel format from the device |
*SetPixelFormat | Set the pixel format to the device |
*QueryCropWin1 | Query the cropping window from the video device |
*QueryCropWin_21 | Query the cropping window from the video device |
*GetCropWin1 | Get the cropping window from the video device |
*GetCropWin_21 | Get the cropping window from the video device |
*SetCropWin1 | Set the cropping window into the video device |
*SetCropWin_21 | Set the cropping window into the video device |
*EnumFormat1 | Enumerate supported formats from the video device |
*GetFormat1 | Get the data format from the video device |
*SetFormat1 | Set the data format into the video device |
*TryFormat1 | Test if the video device supports this data format |
*GetParam1 | Get streaming parameters from the video device |
*SetParam1 | Set streaming parameters into the video device |
*SetParam_21 | Set streaming parameters into the video device |
*GetSelection1 | Get selection rectangle from the video device |
*GetSelection_21 | Get selection rectangle from the video device |
*SetSelection1 | Set selection rectangle into the video device |
*SetSelection_21 | Set selection rectangle into the video device |
*SetStreamOn1 | Start/Stop video device streaming I/O |
*IsStreamOn1 | Check the streaming I/O status from the video device |
*AllocateBuf2 | Allocate buffers for the device |
*AllocateAndEnqueueBuf1 | Allocate and enqueue buffers into the video device |
*GetBuffer1 | Get the video buffer from the video device |
*GetBufInfo1 | Get the video buffer information from the video device |
*EnqueueBuf1 | Enqueue buffer into the video device |
*EnqueueBuf_21 | Enqueue buffers into the video device |
*EnqueueBufFromAvailableQueue1 | Enqueue buffers from available queue to the video device |
*EnqueueBufFromCompletedQueue1 | Enqueue buffers from completed queue to the video device |
*DequeueBuf1 | Dequeue buffers from the video device |
*DequeueBuf_21 | Dequeue buffers from the video device |
*DequeueBufToCompletedQueue1 | Dequeue buffers from the video device to completed queue |
*SwitchBufFromCompletedToAvailableQueue1 | Switch buffers from the completed queue to available queue |
*PushBufToQueue1 | Push buffer into the queue |
*PopBufFromQueue1 | Pop buffer from the queue |
*ReleaseBuf2 | Release buffers from the device |
*GenerateLinksInfo1 | Generate the media link information |
*ProcessLinks1 | Process the media link settings |
*ProcessLinks_21 | Process the media link settings |
The field items are for video device only.
The field items are for DRM and video device only.