DRM Buffer

The following code block shows the data structure for the DRM buffer structure.
typedef struct _ST_DRM_BUF {
    STF_U32 u32Pitch;
    STF_U32 u32Size;
    STF_U32 u32FbId;
    STF_INT nDmaBufFd;  // Used for DMA_BUF
    STF_INT nBufObjHandle;
    STF_U8 *pu8Buf;
The following table describes the fields in the above code block.
Table 1. DRM Buffer Field Description
Field Description
u32Pitch The pitch of dumb buffer
u32Size Dumb buffer size
u32FbId The index of frame buffer
nDmaBufFd The file descriptor for the DMA buffer
nBufObjHandle The object handle of the dumb buffer
pu8Buf The dumb buffer pointer