Frame Buffer Device Parameter

The following code block shows the data structure for the frame buffer device parameter structure.
typedef struct _ST_FB_DEV_PARAM {
    STF_U16 u16Width;
    STF_U16 u16Height;
    STF_U32 u32Bpp;
    STF_U32 u32ScreenSize;
    STF_U32 u32PixelFormat;
    STF_VOID *pvBuffer;
    struct fb_var_screeninfo stFbVarScreenInfo;
    struct fb_fix_screeninfo stFbFixScreenInfo;
The following table describes the fields in the above code block.
Table 1. Frame Buffer Device Parameter Field Description
Field Description
u16Width The width of frame buffer
u16Height The height of frame buffer
u32Bpp The bits per pixel
u32ScreenSize The screen buffer size
u32PixelFormat The pixel format
pvBuffer Point to user space buffer
stFbVarScreenInfo Store variable screen information
stFbFixScreenInfo Store fixed screen information