DRM Device
The following code block shows the data structure for the DRM device structure.
typedef struct _ST_DRM_DEV { STF_U32 u32ConnId; STF_U32 u32EncId; STF_U32 u32CrtId; STF_U32 u32Width; STF_U32 u32Height; STF_U32 u32Pitch; drmModeModeInfo stDrmModeInfo; drmModeCrtc *pstDrmCrtc; STF_U32 u32DrmFormat; ST_DRM_BUF stDrmBuf[PIPELINE_IMG_BUF_MAX]; ST_DRM_DEV *pstDrmDevNext; } ST_DRM_DEV, *PST_DRM_DEV;
The following table describes the fields in the above code block.
Field | Description |
u32ConnId | The connector id of DRM device |
u32EncId | Store encoder id |
u32CrtId | Store selected CRT id |
u32Width | Store the width of DRM device |
u32Height | Store the height of DRM device |
u32Pitch | Store the pitch information of buffer |
stDrmModeInfo | Store the mode information of DRM device |
pstDrmCrtc | Store the context information of CRT device |
u32DrmFormat | Store the format information of DRM device |
stDrmBuf | Store the buffer information of DRM device |
pstDrmDevNext | Point to next DRM device |