For Linux

Follow the steps below to install FreedomStudio in Linux system:
  1. Click to download the installation package and unzip it into \opt\FreedomStudio directory.
  2. Execute the following command to start FreedomStudio:
    cd /opt/FreedomStudio
    The following figure shows that FreedomStudio has been installed successfully:
    Figure 1. Installed Successfully
  3. Connect the Olimex connecter into the following corresponding pins. The following figures show the JTAG port schematics and connection diagram.
    Figure 2. JTAG Schematics
    Figure 2. Connection Diagram
    Tip: You can execute lsusb command to judge whether the system has recognized the device.
  4. In the folder where you store the unzipped package, click to enter \FreedomStudio-XXXX-XX-X\SiFive\riscv-openocd-0.10.0-XXXX.XX.X\bin directory, and copy the openocd file there. Execute the following command under root account:
    openocd -f openocd.cfg
    The following is an example output:
    Figure 4. Example Output

    The output above means the devices is connected successfully.