Video Device Parameter

The following code block shows the data structure for the video device parameter structure.
typedef struct _ST_VDEV_PARAM {
    STF_BOOL8 bForceGenDev;
    STF_BOOL8 bIsVideoOut;
    STF_BOOL8 bStreamOn;
    STF_BOOL8 bIsDmaBufAllocFromDrmDev;
    STF_U16 u16Width;
    STF_U16 u16Height;
    STF_U32 u32PixelFormat;
    STF_BOOL8 bCrop;
    ST_RECT_2 stCropRect;
    STF_U8 u8Fps;
    ST_VDO_MEM_TBL stVdoMemTbl;
    pthread_mutex_t stBufLock;
    pthread_mutex_t stListLock;
    sLinkedList_T stAvailableQueue;
    sLinkedList_T stCompletedQueue;
The following table describes the fields in the above code block.
Table 1. Video Device Parameter Field Description
Field Description
bForceGenDev Indicate that this video device will initialize as generic device
bIsVideoOut Indicate that this video device is an output or capture device
bStreamOn Indicate that this video device is stream on or off
bIsDmaBufAllocFromDrmDev Indicate that the video buffer is allocated by DRM or video device
u16Width The width of video buffer
u16Height The height of video buffer
u32PixelFormat The pixel format
bCrop Indicate whether the capture window is crop
stCropRect Store the crop area information
u8Fps Indicate frames per second
stVdoMemTbl Video memory table
stBufLock For the video buffer operation protection
stListLock For the link list operation protection
stAvailableQueue Queue of available video buffers for video device
stCompletedQueue Queue of completed video buffers for post processing