Update Configuration Files

After replacing the above files, it is necessary to modify the extlinux/extlinux.cn file to add the boot entry for the new kernel:
Figure 1. Modify extlinux/extlinux.conf file


Follow the steps below to verify:
  1. After powering on again, the newly added startup options can be viewed in the U-Boot menu. After selecting the corresponding options, it can be seen that files such as initrd.img, vmLinux, and dtb are correctly loaded from the set path.
    Figure 2. U-Boot Menu
    Figure 3. Version
  2. In addition, as mentioned earlier, if the new kernel does not involve changes to the driver module, the modules_install command can be omitted and a replacement version of the initrd.img file can be generated, which can also start the kernel normally.
    Then modify the extlinuxconf file to add a startup entry and change the initrd configuration from the generated initrd.img-5.15.0 to the default initrd.img-5.15.0-starfive:
    Figure 4. initrd.img-5.15.0-starfive
    Tip: For fdtdir configuration, please refer to Update Configuration Files.
  3. After powering on again and selecting the corresponding option in the U-Boot menu, it can be seen that initrd.img-5.15.0-starfive is loaded and the system starts normally:
    Figure 5. U-Boot Menu
    Figure 6. Version