For Windows


  1. Insert the micro-SD card with the Debian image burnt into VisionFive 2.
  2. Connect one end of the USB Type-C cable to the USB Type-C port on the VisionFive 2, and connect the other end of the cable to the power adapter.
  3. Connect the jumper wires from the USB to Serial Converter to the 40-Pin GPIO header of the VisionFive 2 as follows.
    Figure 1. Connecting Jumper Wire
  4. Connect the USB-to-Serial converter to the PC.
  5. Open Device Manager by typing Device Manager in the windows search box.
  6. Click the drop-down arrow from Ports (COM & LPT) and find the name of the connected serial port (e.g.: COM4).
    Figure 2. Example
  7. Download and install PuTTY by visiting this link.
    Tip: PuTTY is an SSH and telnet client through which you can connect to the Carrier Board via SSH. You can skip this step if you already have PuTTY installed.
  8. Open Putty to connect the PC to the Carrier Board.
    1. Select Serial under the Connection Type.
    2. Configure the settings as follows:
      • Serial line: COM4 (choose your COM port)

      • Speed: 115200

      Figure 3. Example Configuration
    3. Click Open.
  9. Power on the VisionFive 2.
  10. Type username and password in the prompt as follows:
    Note: You can use either user or root account to login. The following example use user to login.
    • Username: user
    • Password: starfive

    Now you have connected with the VisionFive 2 via serial communication using windows!

    Figure 4. Example Output